Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hawaiin Babe FTU Tut

Supplies Needed:
PSP: I used PSP9, but any version should do.
Kit of Choice: I used Hibiscus by Gimptastic Scraps. You can find it here.
Tube of Choice: I used Hawaiian Babe by Elias Chatzoudis. I bought this tube at PSP Tubes Emporium, but they are now closed:( I will add a link to his store as soon as it is up and running. Please do not use without the proper license!

Mask of Choice: I used Joyita2. You can get it at Creative Misfits Creations.
Font of Choice: I used Hawaii Lover here.
Let's get started! 
 New Canvas 600X600
Copy & paste Frame4
Resize 75% all layers unchecked
Click inside frame with magic wand
Selections-Modify-Expand by 3
Copy & paste paper of choice (I used Paper8.)
Move below frame in layer palette
Invert delete
Copy & paste the close up of your tube
Move below the frame
Resize if needed. I resized and mirrored mine.
Erase all parts showing outside of frame
Change blend mode of close up to luminence legacy (or 
whatever looks best) and lower opacity to 45
Copy & paste tube above frame
Arrange on right side of frame
I erased the bottom half of my tube.

Add any elements you want.
I used the following:
Sand- duplicate, mirror and move below frame
Flower5- resize 65% duplicate and mirror
Flower7- resize 65% duplicate and mirror
Flower6- resize 70%
Cocktail2- resize 65%
Branch- move below flowers

Drop shadow everything except the paper and sand layers

Copy & paste paper of choice (I used Paper6.)
Apply mask and merge group
Resize by 85% and duplicate

Resize now if you plan on it.
Add name and copyright.
Save as .png and you're done!

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Funky Town FTU Tut

Supplies Needed:

PSP: I used PSP9, but any version should do.

Kit of Choice: I used Funky Town by Gimptastic Scraps. This was PTU but is now FTU! You can find it here.

Tube of Choice: I used PreciousToo by Keith Garvey.I bought this tube at PSP Tubes Emporium, but they are now closed:( I will update this when he starts selling again. Please do not use without the proper license!

Mask of Choice: I am using WSL Mask84 here
Template of Choice: I used temp80 from Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts.

Font of Choice: I used KG Ray of Sunshine here.

Plugin(optional): Eye Candy 4000 Gradient Glow

Let's get started!

Open template
Resize to 525X335
Canvas size 600X600 centered
Delete credit, rect 4, wordart and usa layers

Replace each layer with a paper or color of choice
I used the following:
square 2, rect 2- Paper4
circle- Paper8
square 1, rect 5, rect 3- #000000
rect 6, rect 1-#d00a09

I added a fat black gradient glow to rect 6 & rect 1 and a fat

yellow(#f9fb04) gradient glow to square 1, rect 5 & rect 3.

Add any elements you wish to use.
I used the following:
wordart resized 70%
Cityscape resized 80%
Monkeys resized 35%
duplicate and mirror
I cut the bottom of the frame off.

Add your tube.
Drop shadow everything.

Add a new layer right above the bg layer.
Floodfill it with color or gradient of choice.
Apply mask and merge group

If you plan on resizing do it now.

Add name and copyright
Save as a .png and you're done

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Gnome Sweet Gnome PTU Tut

Supplies needed:
PSP (I use PSP9 but any version should do.)
Kit of Choice- I used Gnome Sweet Gnome by Gimptastic Scraps. You can purchase this kit here.
Tube of Choice- I used Floral by Anna Liwanag. I bought this tube at PSP Tubes Emporium, but they are now closed:( I will update this when she starts selling again. Please do not use without the proper license!
Mask of Choice- I used Mask 14 by Diana's Creations
Font of Choice- I used Great Vibes here
Animation of Choice- I used the butterflies from Peachie's Collection here
  Animation Shop (optional)
Let's get started!

new canvas 600X600
copy & paste frame1
resize 75% all layers unchecked
copy & paste paper of choice (I used paper6 and resized 75%.)
use magic wand to select inside frame
expand by 5
on paper invert delete
add closeup of tube under frame
resize if needed and erase the parts that show around frame
lower opacity to your liking (I lowered mine to 65.)
copy & paste tube above frame
position where you want
resize if needed
add any elements you want
i used the following:
birdhouse resized 75% and mirrored
bird resized 50%
flower2 resized 50%
flower resized 50%
i duplicated the flowers a few times to make a "chain"
gnome1 resized 75%
frog resized 75%

drop shadow all elements, tubes and frame

copy & paste paper of choice (I used paper5.)
apply mask and merge group
move to bottom right above background

if you're going to resize do so now

add name and copyright
if you don't want to animate save now as a .png and your done!

to animate:
copy merged and paste as new animation in animation shop(AS)
open butterflies in AS
i chose red and yellow
if you look at the butterflies you'll see there are 15 frames.
we need to make our project have 15 frames so click on your project, copy then paste after current selection(Crl+Shift+L). 
Continue doing that until you have 15 frames.
Select all(Ctrl+A)
Now click on your butterflies. Select all then copy.
back on your project paste into selection (Ctrl+E)
Continue doing that until you have butterflies everywhere you want them.
View animation and save

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me:

Friday, June 8, 2012

Crafty FTU Tut

PSP- I use PSP9 but any version will work.

Scrapkit: I am using She's Crafty by Gimptastic Scraps. You can find it here.
Tube of Choice: I am using Sally by Josh Howard. This is an FTU tube that was shared through a yahoo group.
Font of Choice: I am using Filature here

Mask of Choice: I am using WSL Mask81 here
Ok, let's get started!
New Canvas 600X600
copy & paste Frame4
resize 75% all layers unchecked
copy & paste paper of choice (I used Paper1.)
move below frame
with magic wand select inside frame
selections modify expand by 3
on paper layer invert delete

add elements of choice
i used the following:
SewingBox resized 75%
String1 resized 75% and mirrored
Needle resized 45%

copy & paste tube above frame and position
I made mine look like it's coming out of the frame.

copy & paste paper of choice (I used Paper4.)
apply mask
move to just above background layer
resize 85%

crop to merged opaque
resize now if you plan to

add your name & copyright
save as a .png

I would love to see your results! If you would like to share just send them to me: